It's the most wonderful time of the year
/Sing it with me!
Whether you're a gardener or not, spring is what we've all been craving after our long, horrible winter. And it's here!!!
This spring has been cold in Oakville. We've had the odd (very odd) day when it's almost warm enough to wear shorts, followed by snow flurries and freezing ice pellets. Welcome to April.
But it's May now, and warm days are here! Spring clean ups are one of the most rewarding things I do for people. Taking out winter debris, raking, tilling, trimming, pruning, edging, mulching, and planting. Wowza! Things couldn't be any better in gardens. It's a time for hope, optimism and tons of planning.
Three more weeks until we're out of the woods with respect to frost. Be patient. It's just around the corner. In the meantime, if you have perennials, shrubs or trees in your garden plans for this year, now is a great time to plant.
Blooming now...
Tulipa tarda
Pasque flower
One determined onion